Senin, 30 Maret 2009

How Linux Boots

As it turns out, there isn't much to the boot process:

  1. A boot loader finds the kernel image on the disk, loads it into memory, and starts it.

  2. The kernel initializes the devices and its drivers.

  3. The kernel mounts the root filesystem.

  4. The kernel starts a program called init.

  5. init sets the rest of the processes in motion.

  6. The last processes that init starts as part of the boot sequence allow you to log in.

Identifying each stage of the boot process is invaluable in fixing boot problems and understanding the system as a whole. To start, zero in on the boot loader, which is the initial screen or prompt you get after the computer does its power-on self-test, asking which operating system to run. After you make a choice, the boot loader runs the Linux kernel, handing control of the system to the kernel.

There is a detailed discussion of the kernel elsewhere in this book from which this article is excerpted. This article covers the kernel initialization stage, the stage when the kernel prints a bunch of messages about the hardware present on the system. The kernel starts init just after it displays a message proclaiming that the kernel has mounted the root filesystem:

VFS: Mounted root (ext2 filesystem) readonly.

Soon after, you will see a message about init starting, followed by system service startup messages, and finally you get a login prompt of some sort.

NOTE On Red Hat Linux, the init note is especially obvious, because it "welcomes" you to "Red Hat Linux." All messages thereafter show success or failure in brackets at the right-hand side of the screen.

Most of this chapter deals with init, because it is the part of the boot sequence where you have the most control.

There is nothing special about init. It is a program just like any other on the Linux system, and you'll find it in /sbin along with other system binaries. The main purpose of init is to start and stop other programs in a particular sequence. All you have to know is how this sequence works.

There are a few different variations, but most Linux distributions use the System V style discussed here. Some distributions use a simpler version that resembles the BSD init, but you are unlikely to encounter this.


At any given time on a Linux system, a certain base set of processes is running. This state of the machine is called its runlevel, and it is denoted with a number from 0 through 6. The system spends most of its time in a single runlevel. However, when you shut the machine down, init switches to a different runlevel in order to terminate the system services in an orderly fashion and to tell the kernel to stop. Yet another runlevel is for single-user mode, discussed later.

The easiest way to get a handle on runlevels is to examine the init configuration file, /etc/inittab. Look for a line like the following:


This line means that the default runlevel on the system is 5. All lines in the inittab file take this form, with four fields separated by colons occurring in the following order:
# A unique identifier (a short string, such as id in the preceding example)
# The applicable runlevel number(s)
# The action that init should take (in the preceding example, the action is to set the default runlevel to 5)
# A command to execute (optional)

There is no command to execute in the preceding initdefault example because a command doesn't make sense in the context of setting the default runlevel. Look a little further down in inittab, until you see a line like this:

l5:5:wait:/etc/rc.d/rc 5

This line triggers most of the system configuration and services through the rc*.d and init.d directories. You can see that init is set to execute a command called /etc/rc.d/rc 5 when in runlevel 5. The wait action tells when and how init runs the command: run rc 5 once when entering runlevel 5, and then wait for this command to finish before doing anything else.

There are several different actions in addition to initdefault and wait, especially pertaining to power management, and the inittab(5) manual page tells you all about them. The ones that you're most likely to encounter are explained in the following sections.


The respawn action causes init to run the command that follows, and if the command finishes executing, to run it again. You're likely to see something similar to this line in your inittab file:

1:2345:respawn:/sbin/mingetty tty1

The getty programs provide login prompts. The preceding line is for the first virtual console (/dev/tty1), the one you see when you press ALT-F1 or CONTROL-ALT-F1. The respawn action brings the login prompt back after you log out.


The ctrlaltdel action controls what the system does when you press CONTROL-ALT-DELETE on a virtual console. On most systems, this is some sort of reboot command using the shutdown command.


The sysinit action is the very first thing that init should run when it starts up, before entering any runlevels.

How processes in runlevels start

You are now ready to learn how init starts the system services, just before it lets you log in. Recall this inittab line from earlier:

l5:5:wait:/etc/rc.d/rc 5

This small line triggers many other programs. rc stands for run commands, and you will hear people refer to the commands as scripts, programs, or services. So, where are these commands, anyway?

For runlevel 5, in this example, the commands are probably either in /etc/rc.d/rc5.d or /etc/rc5.d. Runlevel 1 uses rc1.d, runlevel 2 uses rc2.d, and so on. You might find the following items in the rc5.d directory:

S10sysklogd S20ppp S99gpm
S12kerneld S25netstd_nfs S99httpd
S15netstd_init S30netstd_misc S99rmnologin
S18netbase S45pcmcia S99sshd
S20acct S89atd
S20logoutd S89cron

The rc 5 command starts programs in this runlevel directory by running the following commands:

S10sysklogd start
S12kerneld start
S15netstd_init start
S18netbase start
S99sshd start

Notice the start argument in each command. The S in a command name means that the command should run in start mode, and the number (00 through 99) determines where in the sequence rc starts the command.

The rc*.d commands are usually shell scripts that start programs in /sbin or /usr/sbin. Normally, you can figure out what one of the commands actually does by looking at the script with less or another pager program.

You can start one of these services by hand. For example, if you want to start the httpd Web server program manually, run S99httpd start. Similarly, if you ever need to kill one of the services when the machine is on, you can run the command in the rc*.d directory with the stop argument (S99httpd stop, for instance).

Some rc*.d directories contain commands that start with K (for "kill," or stop mode). In this case, rc runs the command with the stop argument instead of start. You are most likely to encounter K commands in runlevels that shut the system down.

Adding and removing services

If you want to add, delete, or modify services in the rc*.d directories, you need to take a closer look at the files inside. A long listing reveals a structure like this:

lrwxrwxrwx . . . S10sysklogd -> ../init.d/sysklogd
lrwxrwxrwx . . . S12kerneld -> ../init.d/kerneld
lrwxrwxrwx . . . S15netstd_init -> ../init.d/netstd_init
lrwxrwxrwx . . . S18netbase -> ../init.d/netbase

The commands in an rc*.d directory are actually symbolic links to files in an init.d directory, usually in /etc or /etc/rc.d. Linux distributions contain these links so that they can use the same startup scripts for all runlevels. This convention is by no means a requirement, but it often makes organization a little easier.

To prevent one of the commands in the init.d directory from running in a particular runlevel, you might think of removing the symbolic link in the appropriate rc*.d directory. This does work, but if you make a mistake and ever need to put the link back in place, you might have trouble remembering the exact name of the link. Therefore, you shouldn't remove links in the rc*.d directories, but rather, add an underscore (_) to the beginning of the link name like this:

mv S99httpd _S99httpd

At boot time, rc ignores _S99httpd because it doesn't start with S or K. Furthermore, the original name is still obvious, and you have quick access to the command if you're in a pinch and need to start it by hand.

To add a service, you must create a script like the others in the init.d directory and then make a symbolic link in the correct rc*.d directory. The easiest way to write a script is to examine the scripts already in init.d, make a copy of one that you understand, and modify the copy.

When adding a service, make sure that you choose an appropriate place in the boot sequence to start the service. If the service starts too soon, it may not work, due to a dependency on some other service. For non-essential services, most systems administrators prefer numbers in the 90s, after most of the services that came with the system.

Linux distributions usually come with a command to enable and disable services in the rc*.d directories. For example, in Debian, the command is update-rc.d, and in Red Hat Linux, the command is chkconfig. Graphical user interfaces are also available. Using these programs helps keep the startup directories consistent and helps with upgrades.

HINT: One of the most common Linux installation problems is an improperly configured XFree86 server that flicks on and off, making the system unusable on console. To stop this behavior, boot into single-user mode and alter your runlevel or runlevel services. Look for something containing xdm, gdm, or kdm in your rc*.d directories, or your /etc/inittab.

Controlling init

Occasionally, you need to give init a little kick to tell it to switch runlevels, to re-read the inittab file, or just to shut down the system. Because init is always the first process on a system, its process ID is always 1.

You can control init with telinit. For example, if you want to switch to runlevel 3, use this command:

telinit 3

When switching runlevels, init tries to kill off any processes that aren't in the inittab file for the new runlevel. Therefore, you should be careful about changing runlevels.

When you need to add or remove respawning jobs or make any other change to the inittab file, you must tell init about the change and cause it to re-read the file. Some people use kill -HUP 1 to tell init to do this. This traditional method works on most versions of Unix, as long as you type it correctly. However, you can also run this telinit command:

telinit q

You can also use telinit s to switch to single-user mode.

Shutting down

init also controls how the system shuts down and reboots. The proper way to shut down a Linux machine is to use the shutdown command.

There are two basic ways to use shutdown. If you halt the system, it shuts the machine down and keeps it down. To make the machine halt immediately, use this command:

shutdown -h now

On most modern machines with reasonably recent versions of Linux, a halt cuts the power to the machine. You can also reboot the machine. For a reboot, use -r instead of -h.

The shutdown process takes several seconds. You should never reset or power off a machine during this stage.

In the preceding example, now is the time to shut down. This argument is mandatory, but there are many ways of specifying it. If you want the machine to go down sometime in the future, one way is to use +n, where n is the number of minutes shutdown should wait before doing its work. For other options, look at the shutdown(8) manual page.

To make the system reboot in 10 minutes, run this command:

shutdown -r +10

On Linux, shutdown notifies anyone logged on that the machine is going down, but it does little real work. If you specify a time other than now, shutdown creates a file called /etc/nologin. When this file is present, the system prohibits logins by anyone except the superuser.

When system shutdown time finally arrives, shutdown tells init to switch to runlevel 0 for a halt and runlevel 6 for a reboot. When init enters runlevel 0 or 6, all of the following takes place, which you can verify by looking at the scripts inside rc0.d and rc6.d:

1. init kills every process that it can (as it would when switching to any other runlevel).

# The initial rc0.d/rc6.d commands run, locking system files into place and making other preparations for shutdown.
# The next rc0.d/rc6.d commands unmount all filesystems other than the root.
# Further rc0.d/rc6.d commands remount the root filesystem read-only.
# Still more rc0.d/rc6.d commands write all buffered data out to the filesystem with the sync program.
# The final rc0.d/rc6.d commands tell the kernel to reboot or stop with the reboot, halt, or poweroff program.

The reboot and halt programs behave differently for each runlevel, potentially causing confusion. By default, these programs call shutdown with the -r or -h options, but if the system is already at the halt or reboot runlevel, the programs tell the kernel to shut itself off immediately. If you really want to shut your machine down in a hurry (disregarding any possible damage from a disorderly shutdown), use the -f option.


# Description

110 Restart marker reply. In this case, the text is exact and not left to the particular implementation; it must read: MARK yyyy = mmmm where yyyy is User-process data stream marker, and mmmm server's equivalent marker (note the spaces between markers and "=").

120 Service ready in nnn minutes.

125 Data connection already open; transfer starting.

150 File status okay; about to open data connection.

200 Command okay.

202 Command not implemented, superfluous at this site.

211 System status, or system help reply.

212 Directory status.

213 File status.

214 Help message.On how to use the server or the meaning of a particular non-standard command. This reply is useful only to the human user.

215 NAME system type. Where NAME is an official system name from the list in the Assigned Numbers document.

220 Service ready for new user.

221 Service closing control connection.

225 Data connection open; no transfer in progress.

226 Closing data connection. Requested file action successful (for example, file transfer or file abort).

227 Entering Passive Mode (h1,h2,h3,h4,p1,p2).

230 User logged in, proceed. Logged out if appropriate.

250 Requested file action okay, completed.

257 "PATHNAME" created.

331 User name okay, need password.

332 Need account for login.

350 Requested file action pending further information

421 Service not available, closing control connection.This may be a reply to any command if the service knows it must shut down.

425 Can't open data connection.

426 Connection closed; transfer aborted.

450 Requested file action not taken.

451 Requested action aborted. Local error in processing.

452 Requested action not taken. Insufficient storage space in system.File unavailable (e.g., file busy).

500 Syntax error, command unrecognized. This may include errors such as command line too long.

501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments.

502 Command not implemented.

503 Bad sequence of commands.

504 Command not implemented for that parameter.

530 Not logged in.

532 Need account for storing files.

550 Requested action not taken. File unavailable (e.g., file not found, no access).

551 Requested action aborted. Page type unknown.

552 Requested file action aborted. Exceeded storage allocation (for current directory or dataset).

553 Requested action not taken. File name not allowed.

Choosing A Good Domain Name

Choosing a domain name for your site is one of the most important steps towards creating the perfect internet presence. If you run an on-line business, picking a name that will be marketable and achieve success in search engine placement is paramount. Many factors must be considered when choosing a good domain name. This article summarizes all the different things to consider before making that final registration step!

Short and Sweet

Domain names can be really long or really short (1 - 67 characters). In general, it is far better to choose a domain name that is short in length. The shorter your domain name, the easier it will be for people remember. Remembering a domain name is very important from a marketability perspective. As visitors reach your site and enjoy using it, they will likely tell people about it. And those people may tell others, etc. As with any business, word of mouth is the most powerful marketing tool to drive traffic to your site (and it's free too!). If your site is long and difficult to pronounce, people will not remember the name of the site and unless they bookmark the link, they may never return.

Consider Alternatives

Unless a visitor reaches your site through a bookmark or a link from another site, they have typed in your domain name. Most people on the internet are terrible typists and misspell words constantly. If your domain name is easy to misspell, you should think about alternate domain names to purchase. For example, if your site will be called "", you should also consider buying "" and "". You should also secure the different top level domain names besides the one you will use for marketing purposes ("", "", etc.) You should also check to see if there are existing sites based on the misspelled version of the domain name you are considering. "" may be available, but "" may be home to a graphic pornography site. You would hate for a visitor to walk away thinking you were hosting something they did not expect.

Also consider domain names that may not include the name of your company, but rather what your company provides. For example, if the name of your company is Mike's Tools, you may want to consider domain names that target what you sell. For example: "" or "". Even though these example alternative domain names do not include the name of your company, it provides an avenue for visitors from your target markets. Remember that you can own multiple domain names, all of which can point to a single domain. For example, you could register "", "", and "" and have "" and "" point to "".

Hyphens: Your Friend and Enemy

Domain name availability has become more and more scant over the years. Many single word domain names have been scooped up which it makes it more and more difficult to find a domain name that you like and is available. When selecting a domain name, you have the option of including hyphens as part of the name. Hyphens help because it allows you to clearly separate multiple words in a domain name, making it less likely that a person will accidentally misspell the name. For example, people are more likely to misspell "" than they are "". Having words crunched together makes it hard on the eyes, increasing the likelihood of a misspelling. On the other hand, hyphens make your domain name longer. The longer the domain name, the easier it is for people to forget it altogether. Also, if someone recommends a site to someone else, they may forget to mention that each word in the domain name is separated by a hyphen. If do you choose to leverage hyphens, limit the number of words between the hyphens to three. Another advantage to using hyphens is that search engines are able to pick up each unique word in the domain name as key words, thus helping to make your site more visible in search engine results.

Dot What?

There are many top level domain names available today including .com, .net, .org, and .biz. In most cases, the more unusual the top level domain, the more available domain names are available. However, the .com top level domain is far and away the most commonly used domain on the internet, driven by the fact that it was the first domain extension put to use commercially and has received incredible media attention. If you cannot lay your hands on a .com domain name, look for a .net domain name, which is the second most commercially popular domain name extension.

Long Arm of the Law

Be very careful not to register domain names that include trademarked names. Although internet domain name law disputes are tricky and have few cases in existence, the risk of a legal battle is not a risk worth taking. Even if you believe your domain name is untouchable by a business that has trademarked a name, do not take the chance: the cost of litigation is extremely high and unless you have deep pockets you will not likely have the resources to defend yourself in a court of law. Even stay away from domain names in which part of the name is trademarked: the risks are the same.

Search Engines and Directories

All search engines and directories are different. Each has a unique process for being part of the results or directory listing and each has a different way of sorting and listing domain names. Search engines and directories are the most important on-line marketing channel, so consider how your domain name choice affects site placement before you register the domain. Most directories simply list links to home pages in alphabetical order. If possible, choose a domain name with a letter of the alphabet near the beginning ("a" or "b"). For example, "" will come way above "". However, check the directories before you choose a domain name. You may find that the directories you would like be in are already cluttered with domain names beginning with the letter "a". Search engines scan websites and sort results based on key words. Key words are words that a person visiting a search engine actually search on. Having key words as part of your domain name can help you get better results.

Check For Dos, Check to see if you are infected

When you first turn on you computer (BEFORE DIALING INTO YOUR ISP),
open a MS-DOS Prompt window (start/programs MS-DOS Prompt).
Then type netstat -arn and press the Enter key.
Your screen should display the following (without the dotted lines
which I added for clarification).

Active Routes:

Network Address Netmask Gateway Address Interface Metric 1 1

Route Table

Active Connections

Proto Local Address Foreign Address State


If you see anything else, there might be a problem (more on that later).
Now dial into your ISP, once you are connected;
go back to the MS-DOS Prompt and run the same command as before
netstat -arn, this time it will look similar to the following (without
dotted lines).


Active Routes:

Network Address Netmask Gateway Address Interface Metric 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Route Table

Active Connections

Proto Local Address Foreign Address State
UDP *:*


What you are seeing in the first section (Active Routes) under the heading of
Network Address are some additional lines. The only ones that should be there
are ones belonging to your ISP (more on that later). In the second section
(Route Table) under Local Address you are seeing the IP address that your ISP
assigned you (in this example

The numbers are divided into four dot notations, the first three should be
the same for both sets, while in this case the .70 is the unique number
assigned for THIS session. Next time you dial in that number will more than
likely be different.

To make sure that the first three notation are as they should be, we will run
one more command from the MS-DOS window.
From the MS-DOS Prompt type tracert / or .net
or whatever it ends in. Following is an example of the output you should see.


Tracing route to / []over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 128 ms 2084 ms 102 ms []
2 115 ms 188 ms 117 ms []
3 108 ms 116 ms 119 ms []
Trace complete.


You will see that on lines with the 1 and 2 the first three notations of the
address match with what we saw above, which is a good thing. If it does not,
then some further investigation is needed.

If everything matches like above, you can almost breath easier. Another thing
which should you should check is programs launched during startup. To find
these, Click start/programs/startup, look at what shows up. You should be
able to recognize everything there, if not, once again more investigation is


Now just because everything reported out like we expected (and demonstrated
above) we still are not out of the woods. How is this so, you ask? Do you use
Netmeeting? Do you get on IRC (Internet Relay Chat)? Or any other program
that makes use of the Internet. Have you every recieved an email with an
attachment that ended in .exe? The list goes on and on, basically anything
that you run could have become infected with a trojan. What this means, is
the program appears to do what you expect, but also does just a little more.
This little more could be blasting or one of the other sites that
CNNlive was talking about.

What can you do? Well some anti-virus software will detect some trojans.
Another (tedious) thing is to start each of these "extra" Internet programs
one at a time and go through the last two steps above, looking at the routes
and connection the program uses. However, the tricky part will be figuring
out where to tracert to in order to find out if the addresses you see in
step 2 are "safe" or not. I should forewarn you, that running tracert after
tracert, after tracert might be considered "improper" by your ISP. The steps
outlined above may not work exactly as I have stated depending upon your ISP,
but with a true ISP it should work. Finally, this advise comes with NO
warranty and by following my "hints' you implicitly release me from ANY and
ALL liability which you may incur.

Other options

Display protocol statistics and current TCP/IP network connections.
Netstat [-a] [-e] [-n] [-s] [-p proto] [-r] [intervals]

-a.. Display all connections and listening ports.
-e.. Display Ethernet statistics. This may be combined with the -s option.
-n.. Diplays address and port numbers in the numerical form.
-p proto..Shows connections for the protocol specified by proto; proto may be
TCP or UDP. If used with the -s option to display per-protocol statistics,
proto may be TCP, UDP, of IP.
-r.. Display the routing table.
-s.. Display per-protocol statistics. By default, statistics are shown for TCP
UDP and IP; the -p option may be used to specify a subset of the default
interval..Redisplay selected statistics, pausing intervals seconds between each
display. If omitted. netstat will print the current configuration information

BandWidth Explained

This is well written explanation about bandwidth, very useful info.

Most hosting companies offer a variety of bandwidth options in their plans. So exactly what is bandwidth as it relates to web hosting? Put simply, bandwidth is the amount of traffic that is allowed to occur between your web site and the rest of the internet. The amount of bandwidth a hosting company can provide is determined by their network connections, both internal to their data center and external to the public internet.

Network Connectivity

The internet, in the most simplest of terms, is a group of millions of computers connected by networks. These connections within the internet can be large or small depending upon the cabling and equipment that is used at a particular internet location. It is the size of each network connection that determines how much bandwidth is available. For example, if you use a DSL connection to connect to the internet, you have 1.54 Mega bits (Mb) of bandwidth. Bandwidth therefore is measured in bits (a single 0 or 1). Bits are grouped in bytes which form words, text, and other information that is transferred between your computer and the internet.

If you have a DSL connection to the internet, you have dedicated bandwidth between your computer and your internet provider. But your internet provider may have thousands of DSL connections to their location. All of these connection aggregate at your internet provider who then has their own dedicated connection to the internet (or multiple connections) which is much larger than your single connection. They must have enough bandwidth to serve your computing needs as well as all of their other customers. So while you have a 1.54Mb connection to your internet provider, your internet provider may have a 255Mb connection to the internet so it can accommodate your needs and up to 166 other users (255/1.54).


A very simple analogy to use to understand bandwidth and traffic is to think of highways and cars. Bandwidth is the number of lanes on the highway and traffic is the number of cars on the highway. If you are the only car on a highway, you can travel very quickly. If you are stuck in the middle of rush hour, you may travel very slowly since all of the lanes are being used up.

Traffic is simply the number of bits that are transferred on network connections. It is easiest to understand traffic using examples. One Gigabyte is 2 to the 30th power (1,073,741,824) bytes. One gigabyte is equal to 1,024 megabytes. To put this in perspective, it takes one byte to store one character. Imagine 100 file cabinets in a building, each of these cabinets holds 1000 folders. Each folder has 100 papers. Each paper contains 100 characters - A GB is all the characters in the building. An MP3 song is about 4MB, the same song in wav format is about 40MB, a full length movie can be 800MB to 1000MB (1000MB = 1GB).

If you were to transfer this MP3 song from a web site to your computer, you would create 4MB of traffic between the web site you are downloading from and your computer. Depending upon the network connection between the web site and the internet, the transfer may occur very quickly, or it could take time if other people are also downloading files at the same time. If, for example, the web site you download from has a 10MB connection to the internet, and you are the only person accessing that web site to download your MP3, your 4MB file will be the only traffic on that web site. However, if three people are all downloading that same MP at the same time, 12MB (3 x 4MB) of traffic has been created. Because in this example, the host only has 10MB of bandwidth, someone will have to wait. The network equipment at the hosting company will cycle through each person downloading the file and transfer a small portion at a time so each person's file transfer can take place, but the transfer for everyone downloading the file will be slower. If 100 people all came to the site and downloaded the MP3 at the same time, the transfers would be extremely slow. If the host wanted to decrease the time it took to download files simultaneously, it could increase the bandwidth of their internet connection (at a cost due to upgrading equipment).

Hosting Bandwidth

In the example above, we discussed traffic in terms of downloading an MP3 file. However, each time you visit a web site, you are creating traffic, because in order to view that web page on your computer, the web page is first downloaded to your computer (between the web site and you) which is then displayed using your browser software (Internet Explorer, Netscape, etc.) . The page itself is simply a file that creates traffic just like the MP3 file in the example above (however, a web page is usually much smaller than a music file).

A web page may be very small or large depending upon the amount of text and the number and quality of images integrated within the web page. For example, the home page for is about 200KB (200 Kilobytes = 200,000 bytes = 1,600,000 bits). This is typically large for a web page. In comparison, Yahoo's home page is about 70KB.

How Much Bandwidth Is Enough?

It depends (don't you hate that answer). But in truth, it does. Since bandwidth is a significant determinant of hosting plan prices, you should take time to determine just how much is right for you. Almost all hosting plans have bandwidth requirements measured in months, so you need to estimate the amount of bandwidth that will be required by your site on a monthly basis

If you do not intend to provide file download capability from your site, the formula for calculating bandwidth is fairly straightforward:

Average Daily Visitors x Average Page Views x Average Page Size x 31 x Fudge Factor

If you intend to allow people to download files from your site, your bandwidth calculation should be:

[(Average Daily Visitors x Average Page Views x Average Page Size) +
(Average Daily File Downloads x Average File Size)] x 31 x Fudge Factor

Let us examine each item in the formula:

Average Daily Visitors - The number of people you expect to visit your site, on average, each day. Depending upon how you market your site, this number could be from 1 to 1,000,000.

Average Page Views - On average, the number of web pages you expect a person to view. If you have 50 web pages in your web site, an average person may only view 5 of those pages each time they visit.

Average Page Size - The average size of your web pages, in Kilobytes (KB). If you have already designed your site, you can calculate this directly.

Average Daily File Downloads - The number of downloads you expect to occur on your site. This is a function of the numbers of visitors and how many times a visitor downloads a file, on average, each day.

Average File Size - Average file size of files that are downloadable from your site. Similar to your web pages, if you already know which files can be downloaded, you can calculate this directly.

Fudge Factor - A number greater than 1. Using 1.5 would be safe, which assumes that your estimate is off by 50%. However, if you were very unsure, you could use 2 or 3 to ensure that your bandwidth requirements are more than met.

Usually, hosting plans offer bandwidth in terms of Gigabytes (GB) per month. This is why our formula takes daily averages and multiplies them by 31.


Most personal or small business sites will not need more than 1GB of bandwidth per month. If you have a web site that is composed of static web pages and you expect little traffic to your site on a daily basis, go with a low bandwidth plan. If you go over the amount of bandwidth allocated in your plan, your hosting company could charge you over usage fees, so if you think the traffic to your site will be significant, you may want to go through the calculations above to estimate the amount of bandwidth required in a hosting plan.

Minggu, 29 Maret 2009

Make XP go Faster

Services You Can Disable

There are quite a few services you can disable from starting automatically.
This would be to speed up your boot time and free resources.
They are only suggestions so I suggestion you read the description of each one when you run Services
and that you turn them off one at a time.

Some possibilities are:
Application Management
Fast UserSwitching
Human Interface Devices
Indexing Service
Net Logon
Remote Desktop Help Session Manager
Remote Registry
Routing & Remote Access
SSDP Discovery Service
Universal Plug and Play Device Host
Web Client


Cleaning the Prefetch Directory

WindowsXP has a new feature called Prefetch. This keeps a shortcut to recently used programs.
However it can fill up with old and obsolete programs.

To clean this periodically go to:

Star / Run / Prefetch
Press Ctrl-A to highlight all the shorcuts
Delete them


Not Displaying Logon, Logoff, Startup and Shutdown Status Messages

To turn these off:

Start Regedit
Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\system
If it is not already there, create a DWORD value named DisableStatusMessages
Give it a value of 1

Clearing the Page File on Shutdown

Click on the Start button
Go to the Control Panel
Administrative Tools
Local Security Policy
Local Policies
Click on Security Options
Right hand menu - right click on "Shutdown: Clear Virtual Memory Pagefile"
Select "Enable"

For regedit users.....
If you want to clear the page file on each shutdown:

Start Regedit
Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\ClearPageFileAtShutdown
Set the value to 1


No GUI Boot

If you don't need to see the XP boot logo,

Click on the BOOT.INI tab
Check the box for /NOGUIBOOT

Speeding the Startup of Some CD Burner Programs

If you use program other than the native WindowsXP CD Burner software,
you might be able to increase the speed that it loads.

Go to Control Panel / Administrative Tools / Services
Double-click on IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service
For the Startup Type, select Disabled
Click on the OK button and then close the Services window
If you dont You should notice


Getting Rid of Unread Email Messages

To remove the Unread Email message by user's login names:

Start Regedit
For a single user: Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\UnreadMail
For all users: Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\UnreadMail
Create a DWORD key called MessageExpiryDays
Give it a value of 0


Decreasing Boot Time

Microsoft has made available a program to analyze and decrease the time it takes to boot to WindowsXP
The program is called BootVis

Uncompress the file.
For a starting point, run Trace / Next Boot + Driver Delays
This will reboot your computer and provide a benchmark
After the reboot, BootVis will take a minute or two to show graphs of your system startup.
Note how much time it takes for your system to load (click on the red vertical line)
Then run Trace / Optimize System
Re-Run the Next Boot + Drive Delays
Note how much the time has decreased
Mine went from approximately 33 to 25 seconds.

Increasing Graphics Performance

By default, WindowsXP turns on a lot of shadows, fades, slides etc to menu items.
Most simply slow down their display.

To turn these off selectively:

Right click on the My Computer icon
Select Properties
Click on the Advanced tab
Under Performance, click on the Settings button
To turn them all of, select Adjust for best performance
My preference is to leave them all off except for Show shadows under mouse pointer and Show window contents while dragging


Increasing System Performance

If you have 512 megs or more of memory, you can increase system performance
by having the core system kept in memory.

Start Regedit
Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\DisablePagingExecutive
Set the value to be 1
Reboot the computer


Increasing File System Caching

To increase the amount of memory Windows will locked for I/O operations:

Start Regedit
Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management
Edit the key IoPageLockLimit


Resolving Inability to Add or Remove Programs

If a particular user cannot add or remove programs, there might be a simple registry edit neeed.

Go to HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Uninstall
Change the DWORD NoAddRemovePrograms to 0 disable it

4096 - 32megs of memory or less
8192 - 32+ megs of memory
16384 - 64+ megs of memory
32768 - 128+ megs of memory
65536 - 256+ megs of memory

Rabu, 25 Maret 2009

Meningkatkan Traffic Rank Alexa

Banyak yang dilakukan para blogger untuk meningkatkan Rank blog mereka. Di antaranya dengan cara menginstall alexa toolbar untuk meningkatkan traffic rank blog mereka. Dan juga, para blogger juga menukar link atau link exchange untuk meningkatkan blog mereka serta meraka juga meninggalkan kommentar agar blog mereka di kunjugi balik dari para blogger lain. Ada cara lain untuk meningkat blog menggunakan software. Software apa yang digunakan untuk meningkatkan alexa rank?

Pake software ini ( Alexa Booster) walaupun software ini trial tapi coba saja SN Alexa Booster V3.2 Name: Team EXPLOSiON SN:530152934607 atau gunakan ini( Rangking Booster) SN Rangking Booster name: TEAM ViRiLiTY SN: 57353236529954.

Atau anda juga bisa masuk ke website ini ( ) untuk meningkatkan rank alexa kita.

Gambar WEB

Caranya :
1. Masukan url blog anda misal .
2. Centang Wait for notify from server.
3. Pilih salah satu Unique Proxy Servers List.
4. Klik generate.
5. Jika muncul pop-up alow.

Nanti akan muncul gambar seperti dibawah ini, berarti url blog anda sedang diproses

Atau juga bisa menggunakan langkah - langkah dibawah ini:

1. Pasang Alexa Widget
Dengan memasang widget Alexa berarti Anda telah memasukkan blog Anda dalam database Alexa sehingga setiap pengunjung blog Anda akan tercatat melalui javascript widget tersebut. Ini merupakan cara paling penting namun mudah dilakukan, cukup copy paste script yang bisa kita download dari situs Alexa. Anda bisa klik link di bawah ini untuk mendapatkan script tersebut.

2. Pasang Alexa Toolbar
Fungsi dari Alexa toolbar ini adalah untuk menghimpun data dari pengguna toolbar tersebut tentang halaman apa saja yang diakses. Jadi bila Anda memasang toolbar ini dan menjadikan blog/website Anda sebagai homepage dari browser yang Anda pakai, tentunya akan sangat membantu dalam meningkatkan ranking Alexa.

Prinsip kerjanya bukan hanya blog atau website Anda saja, melainkan setiap website yang dikunjungi oleh browser yang terinstall toolbar ini. Tapi, bukankah blog/website Anda sendiri yang sering Anda kunjungi :) .

Toolbar Alexa ini dibedakan untuk browser Internet Explorer dan Mozilla Firefox. Silakan klik link di bawah ini sesuai browser yang Anda gunakan.


Internet Explorer:

3. Tingkatkan Trafik Pengunjung
Pada dasarnya inilah fungsi dari Alexa rank, untuk meranking blog/website berdasarkan pengunjung atau popularitas suatu website. Semakin banyak pengunjung suatu wesite maka peringkat Alexa-nya pun semakin baik.

4. Buat Posting Tentang Alexa
Sebenarnya hal ini lebih ke arah poin no. 3, yakni meningkatkan pengunjung, karena seperti kita tahu banyak blogger yang tertarik tentang Alexa rank ini, termasuk di dalamnya tips dan cara-cara untuk menaikkan ranking Alexa. Jadi dengan posting tentang Alexa diharapkan akan mendapatkan aliran trafik ke website atau blog yang membahas Alexa.

Selasa, 24 Maret 2009

Hack Melalui Mesin Pencari Google

Dibawah ini merupakan beberapa contoh penggunaan sintaks “ indeks of” untuk mendapatkan informasi yang penting dan sensitive sifatnya.

Contoh :
Index of /admin
Index of /passwd
Index of /password
Index of /mail
“Index of /” +passwd
“Index of /” +password.txt
“Index of /” +.htaccess
“Index of /secret”
“Index of /confidential”
“Index of /root”
“Index of /cgi-bin”
“Index of /credit-card”
“Index of /logs”
“Index of /config”
“Index of/admin.asp
“Index of/login.asp

Mencari sistem atau server yang vulnerable menggunakan sintaks “inurl:” atau “allinurl:”

1. Menggunakan sintaks “allinurl:winnt/system32/” (dengan tanda petik ) akan menampilkan daftar semua link pada server yang memberikan akses pada direktori yang terlarang seperti “system32”. Terkadang akan didapat akses pada cmd.exe pada direktori “system32” yang memungkinkan seseorang untuk mengambil alih kendali sistem pada server tersebut.

2. Menggunakan “allinurl:wwwboard/passwd.txt” ( dengan tanda petik ) akan menampilkan daftar semua link pada server yang memiliki kelemahan pada “wwwboard Password”. Pembahasan lebih lanjut tentang vulnerability “wwwboard Password” dapat dilihat pada site keamanan jaringan seperti securityfocus atau securitytracker

3. Menggunakan sintaks “inurl: bash history” (dengan tanda petik ) akan menampilkan daftar link pada server yang memberikan akses pada file “bash history” melalui web. File tersebut merupakan command history file yang mengandung daftar perintah yang dieksekusi oleh administrator, yang terkadang menyangkut informasi sensitive seperti password sistem. Seringkali password pada sistem telah dienkripsi, untuk mendapatkan password aslinya bentuk yang dienkripsi ini harus didekripsi menggunakan program password cracker. Lama waktu untuk mendapatkan hasil dekripsi tergantung dari keandalan program dan banyaknya karakter yang terenkripsi.

4. Menggunakan “inurl:config.txt” (dengan tanda petik) akan menampilkan daftar semua link pada server yang memberikan akses pada file “config.txt. File ini berisi informasi penting termasuk hash value dari password administrator dan proses autentifikasi dari suatu database.

Sintaks “inurl:” atau “allinurl:” dapat dikombinasikan dengan sintaks yang lainnya seperti pada daftar dibawah ini :

Inurl: /cgi-bin/cart32.exe
inurl:admin filetype:txtinurl:admin filetype:db
inurl:admin filetype:cfg
inurl:mysql filetype:cfg
inurl:passwd filetype:txt
inurl:gov filetype:xls “restricted”
index of ftp +.mdb allinurl:/cgi-bin/ +mailto allinurl:/scripts/cart32.exe allinurl:/CuteNews/show_archives.php
Mencari suatu sistem atau server yang memiliki kelemahan dengan sintaks “intitle:”
atau “allintitle:”

1. Menggunakan allintitle: “index of /root” ( tanpa tanda kutip ) akan menampilkan Daftar link pada webserver yang memberikan akses pada direktori yang terlarang seperti direktori root.

2. Menggunakan allintitle: “index of /admin” ( tanpa tanda kutip ) akan menampilkan link pada site yang memiliki indeks browsing yang dapat diakses untuk direktori terlarang seperti direktori “admin”.

Penggunaan lain dari sintaks “intitle:” atau “allintitle:” yang dikombinasikan dengan sintaks lainnya antara lain :

intitle:”Index of” .sh_history
intitle:”Index of” .bash_history
intitle:”index of” passwd
intitle:”index of” people.lst
intitle:”index of” pwd.db
intitle:”index of” etc/shadow
intitle:”index of” spwd
intitle:”index of” master.passwd
intitle:”index of” htpasswd
intitle:”index of” members OR accounts
intitle:”index of” user_carts OR user_cart
allintitle: sensitive filetype:doc
allintitle: restricted filetype :mail
allintitle: restricted filetype:doc site:gov

Penggunaan dan kombinasi pada sintaks tidak hanya terbatas pada contoh paparan diatas. Masih banyak lagi kombinasi dari sintaks sintaks dengan berbagai kata kunci yang dapat digunakan. Hal tersebut bergantung pada kreativitas dan kemauan untuk mencoba. Ada baiknya penggunaan wacana yang telah dipaparkan ini digunakan untuk kepentingan yang tidak menimbulkan kerugian atau kerusakan.

Kelemahan pada suatu sistem atau server yang diketahui ada baiknya dilakukan sharing dengan administrator sistem yang bersangkutan sehingga dapat bermanfaat bagi semua pihak. Dikarenakan kemungkinan besar hasil dari pencarian informasi dapat memberikan informasi yang sensitive, yang seringkali menyangkut segi keamanan suatu sistem atau server.

Wacana tentang sintaks yang sangat membantu dalam pencarian informasi tersebut akhirnya tergantung pada niat dan tujuan dalam pencarian data. Apakah sungguh sungguh dilakukan untuk kebutuhan pencarian data, mengumpulkan informasi dari suatu mesin target penetrasi. Tujuan akhirnya bergantung pada niat individu yang bersangkutan sehingga penulis tidak bertanggung jawab terhadap penyalahgunaan dari informasi yang telah dipaparkan. Seperti kata pepatah lama “ resiko ditanggung sendiri “

Yang mau prediksi soal uan SMP maupun SMA klik link dibawah ini

Minggu, 22 Maret 2009

Sejarah Linux

          Sejarah Linux dimulai dari UNIX, sebuah system operasi yang lahir tahun 1969 di AT&T Bell Laboratories. Unix adalah system operasi yang multi user yang efisien, selain itu juga UNIX mampu mengerjakan lebih dari satu tugas pada waktu yang bersamaan yaitu multi tasking. Versi pertama UNIX dipublikasikan dengan Free ke beberapa universitas untuk kepentingan riset. Oleh karena itulah kemudian muncul system operasi-sistem operasi lain yang mirip dengan UNIX(UNIX LIKE). Diantara system operasi-sistem operasi tersebut yang pertama kali ada, yang dikeluarkan oleh Universitas of California - Barkeley, adalah Barkeley Software Distribution(BSD). Setelah itu bermunculan pula OS seperti System V, Sun OS dan Xenix.

          Salah satu system operasi Unix-like yang kemudian muncul Linux, yang awalnya didesain spesifik untuk plastform berbasis Intel. Linux berawal dari proyek pribadi seorang mahasiswa Ilmu Komputer Universitas Helsinki, yang bernama Linus Benedict Torvalds. Linus berkeinginan membuat suatu versi Unix untuk PC yang efektif bagi para pengguna Minix, sebuah program yang dibuat oleh Prof. Tannebaum. Pada tahun 1991 Linux me release Linux versi 0.11 melalui internet dan kemudian mendapat respon baik dari penggunanya yang sebagian besar adalah developer C. Kemudian bantuan para sukarelawan seluruh dunia inilah hingga saat ini Linux menjadi salah satu Sistem Operasi yang tangguh dan dipakai oleh banyak orang di seluruh dunia

Komponen-Komponen Linux
          Seperti Unix, Linux secara umum terdiri dari tiga komponen utama, yaitu : Kernel, Environtment dan Struktur File.

          Kernel adalah inti dari program, yang berfungsi menjalankan fungsi fungsi OS dan mengatur perangkat keras seperti hardisk dan printer. Versi kernel Linux terdiri dari tiga segmen : Major, Minor, Revision number. Major number berubah jika terjadi perubahan secara besar besaran dalam kernel. Minor number menandakan kestabilan dari kernel versi tersebut. Sedangkan Revision Number menunjukan versi perbaikan. Terkadang jika anda menerapkan patch kernel, maka patch number di bagian akhir versi kernel tersebut.

Environtment yang dimaksud adalah sekumpulan layanan yang menyediakan antarmuka antara kernel dengan user. Selanjutnya environtment ini sering disebut juga dengan istilah interpreter(penerjemah). Environtment digunakan untuk menerjemahkan perintah yang diketikan oleh user dan mengirimkan perintah tersebut ke kernel. Linux menyediakan environtment seperti Windows Manager (WM) dan Commond Live Interface/Shell (CLI). Setiap user di mesin Linux yang sama, mengatur environtment sesuai dengan keinginan mereka.
          Shell interface sangat sederhana dan biasanya terdiri dari sebuah prompt tempat dimana user mengetikan perintah dan kemudian menekan ENTER agar perintah tersebut dapat dieksekusi. Sedangkan WM menyediakan Graphic User Interface (GUI), sehingga akan lebih user friendly terutama bagi pemula Linux. Apalagi yang sudah terbiasa dengan Microsoft Windows atau MacOS.

Struktur Direktori
Struktur file yang dimaksud adalah cara Linux mengorganisasikan file-file yang tersimpan di media penyimpanan. File-file tersebut di organisasikan ke dalam direktori-direktori , dan direktori-direktori tersebut akan terdapat pula subdirektori-subdirektori yang berisi file-file, demikian seterusnya.
          Secara bersama-sama, ketiga komponen diatas, kernel, environtment dan struktur file akan membentuk dasar sebuah OS, dan dengan ketiganya pula kita dapat menjalankan program, menyimpan file dan berinteraksi dengan system/ Pada dasarnya Linux adalah hanyalah kernel seperti yang direlease oleh linus. Jadi hanya ada satu standar Linux. Barulah jika kemudian kernel tersebut dipadukan dengan environtment (CLI atau WM) dan program program lain, maka menjadi sebuah OS yang legkap.

Program-program Linux
          Software-software Linux dapat ditemukan di Internet. Software-software tersebut dibuat oleh para sukarelawan dan sebagian di release secara FREE. Penyumbang utama software-software Linux adalah GNU atau Free Software Foundation. GNU ini diprakarsai oleh Ricard Stalman. Linux lebih mengetahui tentang GNU silahkan berkunjung kesitus mereka GNU.Org. Sebagian besar software Linux di publikasikan menggunakan lisensi GNU yakni General Public Lisence.
          Program-program Linux selain Free dalam arti luas juga menggunakan prinsip Open Source( keterbukaan kode sumber ) oleh karena itu pendistribusian software Linux biasanya melalui source code, dengan demikian akan mudah para developer atau user lain dapat dengan mudah mengetahui kode-kode program tersebut. Jika program-program tersebut disediakan dalam kode sumber biasanya dalam bentuk file terkompresi *.tar.gz, *tar.bz2, atau zip. Selain dalam bentuk kode sumber program Linux juga didistribusikan dalam bentuk file binary seperti *.rpm , *.tgz dan *.dep. Program yang didistribusikan dalam bentuk binary ini lebih mudah dalam installasi.
          Software-software untuk Linux dapat diperoleh atau juga biasanya dapat di peroleh dari CD distribusi yang menyediakan paket software Linux atau juga biasanya di peroleh dari internet. Situs yang menyediakan program-program Linux antara lain : , atau di

Distribusi Linux
          Seperti diketahui, bahwa hanya ada satu kernel Linux dan untuk menjadi OS kernel tersebut haurs digabungkan dengan program-program pendukung lainnya. Beberapa organisasi dan perusahaan kemudian mempaketkan kernel Linux dan software-software tersebut dengan cara masing-masing. Paket tersebut disertai dengan program installasi yang akan memudahkan pengguna. Kemudian paket tersebut direlease yang biasanya dalam bentuk CD-ROM. Cara pemaketan kernel Linux dengan software-software sehingga menjadi OS yang lengkap inilah yang dinamakan sebagai distribusi Linux. Atau biasanya disingkat Distro. Distro-distro tersebut semuanya menggunakan kernel yang sama yakni kernel Linux yang di release oleh Linus.

Contoh-contoh beberapa distribusi Linux yang beredar di dunia:

Trustix Merdeka   
Dan lain-lain

Selasa, 17 Maret 2009

Kartu Debit Payoneer MasterCard Gratis

Akhirnya saya sudah mendapatkan kartu payoneer gratis dari Friendfinder. Kartu tersebut dikirim ke alamat saya dengan tepat waktu karena dikirim sesuai dengan waktunya yaitu selama 20 hari. Saya mendapatkannya itu secara gratis dan juga tidak dipungut biaya pengiriman. Bagi yang berniat untuk memilikinya saya akan memberi caranya dibawah ini.

Dibawah ini merupakan gambar kartu yang saya dapatkan.

Cara untuk mendapatkannya tinggal daftar menjadi affiliate di Akhirnya saya sudah mendapatkan kartu payoneer gratis dari Friendfinder. Selain anda mendapat kartu, anda juga dapat menghasilkan uang dalam bentuk dollar jika mengikuti program ini dengan mengajak orang untuk ikut dalam website ini, perhitungan mendapat uangnya adalah $1 jika mengajak laki-laki atau $2 jika mengajak perempuan untuk ikut website ini. Untuk mendapatkan kartu payoneernya pilihlah langkah ke dua. Caranya adalah :

Langkah Pertama Daftar dulu: (100% Gratis)
Klik Banner Dibawah ini atau klik link friendfinder ini

Lalu klik JOIN NOW Isilah data-data Anda dg lengkap.

(Perhatikan Kolomnya jika tidak paham silahkan lihat petunjuk dibawah ini: )

  • I am a : Man jika Anda laki-laki, Woman jika Anda perempuan

  • Interested in meeteng a : Man jika ingin mencari/berteman dg laki-laki, woman dg perempuan, atau bisa Anda pilih dua-duanya.

  • For : Friendship (berteman), Dating (ketemuan), Serious relationship (hubungan serius),

  • Marriage (menikah), bisa Anda pilih lebih dari satu, pilih semuanya juga bisa.

  • Birthdate : Tanggal lahir Anda.

  • Country : Negara Anda.

  • Zip/Postal code : Kosongkan saja, jika Anda berada selain di Amerika ( US only)

  • Email Address : Isikan email Anda

  • Username : username Anda antara 4 sampai 16 karakter

  • Lalu klik Click Here and Have Fun

Setelah itu Anda masuk ketahap berikutnya.

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  • Closest City: Sama seperti diatas

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  • Your Height : Tinggi Anda

  • Your Body Type : Tipe badan Anda

  • Your Race : Ras Anda atau suku Anda biasanya kalau Indonesia adalah Asia

  • Marital Status : Status pernikahan Anda

  • Your Religion : Agama Anda

  • Your Education : Pendidikan terakhir Anda

  • Your Occupation : Pekerjaan Anda misal: Staff office, jika Anda pegawai, Business jika Anda pengusaha dll.

  • Introduction Title : Judul tentang diri Anda, misal : I am a good Man atau I like Travelling, dll minimum 10 karakter

  • Tell others about yourself : Ceritakanlah tentang diri Anda, misalnya: I am a good women, I like travelling and my hobby reading, computer, sports, and others, i love new friend men or women, buatlah suka-suka Anda, minimumnya 50 karakter.

  • Jika Anda sudah memiliki foto uploadlah foto Anda, klik browse lalu carilah file yg berisi foto Anda. Jika Anda belum punya fota bisa Anda kosongkan dulu, nanti dikemudian hari bisa Anda isi kembali.

Setelah itu klik Click to Join. Maka akan ada email masuk di email anda. Setelah itu bukalah email Anda, lalu klik Activate Now Maka Anda sudah diaktivasi, jika Anda ingin login isilah dg username dan password yg ada di email Anda. Setelah itu keluarlah dulu, dengan klik log out .

Langkah Kedua

klik untuk membuat affiliasi sumber dollarnya.

  • Klik pada Menu : Affiliates (disalah satu menu bagian atas)

  • Lalu klik Affiliate Signup.

Isilah data-data tsb dg benar.

  • Preferred Program: Pilihlah no 1

  • First Name: Nama pertama Anda

  • Last Name: Nama akhir Anda

  • URL: Website/blog Anda, wajib Anda isi, jika Anda belum punya isi saja dengan saja tapi ini hanya untuk sementara nanti bisa Anda ganti.

  • Desired Password : Password yg Anda inginkan

  • Preferred Newsletter Language: English

  • Email Address: Masukkan email Anda

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  • Country: Negara Anda

  • ZIP/Postal Code: Kode Pos kota Anda

  • What is your business tax classification? Kosongkan saja karena untuk warga Amerika saja

  • Tax ID or Social Security Number: Kosongkan saja karena untuk warga Amerika saja

  • Phone Number: No telp Anda, misalnya no telp Anda: 021 1234567 maka buat 6221 1234567 atau no hp Anda 081xxxxx maka buat 6281xxxxx.( harus pakai kode 62, yaitu kode telphone Indonesia)

  • Which Instant Messenger do you use? Pilih saja None

  • Use ePassporte : Pilih saja No

  • Please give us your comments: Buatlah komentar Anda misalnya: Heloo. I like it. Thank You,

  • Setelah itu klik Click Here for the Last Step

  • Lalu klik kotak kecil yg ada tulisan

Yes, I have read and accepted the Affiliate Agreement, …….. Lalu klik Submit. Setelah itu klik Account Information Lalu klik yg warna biru di tulisan Here is your account information. Click here to update your information.

  • klik Payoneer: Signup to be paid by Prepaid MasterCard®.You will be directed to a FriendFinder page hosted by Payoneer, where you can sign up for a card.

  • Lalu isilah data-data Anda di Payoneer tsb, setelah Anda Isi tunggulah kira-kira 20 hari atau sampai 1 bulan kartu Anda sampai di rumah Anda, setelah kartu debit Anda sampai lalu aktivasilah ikuti petunjuk yg ada disurat yg dikirim bersama dengan kartu Anda. Nah gampangkan..

Hanya dg menjadi member FriendFinder, Anda bisa dapat kartu debit dari payoneer, kalau Anda langsung daftar di payoner Anda tidak bisa mendapatkannya karena country untuk Indonesia tidak ada.

Lihatlah kembali email Anda, disana Anda akan diberikan username dan password untuk affiliate. Login sebagai member dg login sebagai affiliate itu beda. Dengan gabung di affiliate FriendFinder Anda juga sudah gabung dg kroni-kroninya FrindFinder, byk sekali ternyata, ada adultfrindfinder dll, memang situs Lainnya (kroni-kroninya) Tersebut ada yang berbau porno tapi kita hanya mengambil manfaatnya saja. Saya tidak mengajak Anda untuk berporno ria, tapi hanya mengambil manfaatnya saja, yaitu kartu debit dan dolarnya.OK?

Join Disini

Sumber komisi gratis

Oh ya untuk mendapatkannya anda harus mencapai $40 untuk menerima kartu tersebut :)

Kamis, 05 Maret 2009

Dollar Gratis Dari Ciao

           Ini merupakan bisnis online yang menguntungkan, tidak seperti PTC yang diharuskan untuk mengklik iklan. Bisnis online ini hanya melihat review orang dan tidak dibatasi untuk melihat review orang tersebut, tetapi PTC dibatasi hanya 10 klik iklan dalam satu hari tetapi ciao tidak!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Karena ciao tidak membatasi melihat suatu review. Untuk menjadi member aktif maka anda harus membuat satu review, nanti saya akan memberi tahu caranya.

Di Ciao Anda bisa memperoleh dollar dengan cara :

  • Buat minimal 1 (satu) review produk agar Anda menjadi member aktif

  • Read atau baca review member lain dapat 0,01 - 0.03 dollar

  • Beri rating review member lain dapat 0.01-0.03 dollar

  • Member lain memberi rating review Anda dapat 0.01-0.03 dollar

  • Invite friends atau ngajak teman dapat 1 dollar per-referral

  • Sering membuat review agar rating Anda semaikn banyak

  • Semakin banyak aktifitas read review, beri rating dan mendapat rating maka semakin banyak pendapatan Anda

          Bayangkan jika anda melihat lebih dari 100 review per hari atau member lain yang melihat review anda dalam per hari!!!!!!!

          Untuk itu anda luangkanlah sedikit waktu, misal luangkan waktu 1 jam dalam sehari untuk melihat review orang.

Sebelum mengikuti program ini, sebaiknya komputer anda sudah terinstall opera turbo. Karena IP dari Indonesia sudah diblok karena banyak yang curang mengikuti program ini. disini( Opera Turbo )

Untuk mengaktifkan kecepatan browsing dan juga mengaktifkan proxy luar di Opera Turbo, tinggal klik pada tombol spedo meter pada bagian pojok kiri bawah. Seperti gambar di bawah ini :

Dengan sendirinya akan bisa login ke CIAO

Anda akan dibayar Dollar oleh Ciao menggunakan Paypal. Dari Paypal langsung bisa Anda cairkan ke Rekening Bank lokal Anda seperti BCA, BRI, dll. Jika Anda belum punya account Paypal silahkan daftar dulu "Gratis" dan langsung jadi, nggak ribet. Klik di sini

Nggak bisa Bahasa Inggris...??? Bingung buat review...??? Bukan masalah...!!!

                 Jangan kuatir karena saya akan memberikan solusinya kepada Anda bagaimana membuat review dengan mudah tanpa perlu membuat sendiri dan tanpa perlu mengerti Bahasa Inggris.

                 Ciao ini sekarang telah dibeli dan dimiliki oleh Microsoft. Jadi Anda tidak perlu meragukan Kredibilitas Microsoft terhadap pembayarannya jika Anda bergabung dengan program ini. Tidak ada yang meragukan Microsoft. Pembayaran Anda akan terjamin. Lagipula pendaftarannya "Gratis". Jadi Anda tidak perlu ragu ataupun takut apabila program ini scam.

Langsung saja berikut step by step cara bergabung di Ciao :
  • Daftar Gratis di Klik Disini atau klik banner dibawah ini

  • Masukkan nama untuk login, email dan isi seluruh formnya. Lalu klik tombol "Start now"

  • Selanjutnya Anda akan diminta untuk verifikasi email. Silahkan cek inbox email Anda karena password dan link aktivasi akan dikirim ke email Anda, setelah itu klik link activasinya dan langsung "Login" ke Ciao

  • Setelah login dan masuk ke member area Anda, selanjutnya klik tab "Member Center"

  • Silahkan Anda pilih salah satu produk yang ingin Anda review pada tab paling atas halaman member center. Atau Anda dapat memasukkan nama produk yang ingin Anda review pada search box. Saya berikan contoh dengan meng-klik produk "Cell phones"

  • Pada halaman ini misalkan Anda memilih produk Sony Ericsson W580i Walkman untuk Anda berikan review, maka Anda hanya perlu meng-klik nama produk tersebut

  • Untuk membuat review silahkan klik tombol "Write a review"

  • Kemudian akan muncul halaman form review Anda. Sekarang Anda isi semua kolom-kolom tersebut

Your Overall Rating : Rating produk tersebut (klik bintangnya)
Title : Judul review
Your Experience : Isi review
Advantages : Kelebihan produk
Disadvantages : Kekurangan produk

Kolom-kolom yang ada di "Specific Criteria" juga harus Anda diisi (pilihannya sudah ada). Recommended to Potential Buyers? Pilih "Yes" or "No". Lalu beri tanda centang pada kolom "Confirmation" kemudian klik tombol "Publish". Jika sukses berarti semua form terisi dengan benar, jika belum berarti ada form yang mungkin belum terisi.

Untuk menjadi member aktif di Ciao, Anda harus membuat minimal 1 (satu) review terhadap salahsatu produk di Ciao. Silahkan Anda pilih produk yang paling mudah direview yang paling familiar dengan Anda. Misalnya : Cell Phone, Computer, Movie, atau lainnya.

Berikut cara membuat review yang paling gampang :

Cara Pertama :
Anda bisa membuat review dulu dalam Bahasa Indonesia, lalu gunakan Google Translate ataupun menggunkan software translate untuk merubahnya menjadi Bahasa Inggris. Setelah dalam bentuk Bahasa Inggris, maka bisa Anda masukkan ke dalam kolom review Anda.

Cara Kedua :
Jika Anda tidak bisa membuat review sendiri, maka carilah dengan bantuan search engine tentang review produk tersebut. Contoh : Misalkan Anda ingin membuat review mengenai Sony Ericsson W580i Walkman, maka Anda cari di search engine dengan memasukkan kata kunci "Sony Ericsson W580i Walkman review". Anda akan melihat ribuan review hasil pencarian search engine mengenai Sony Ericsson W580i Walkman tersebut. Saya lebih suka memakai search engine yang satu ini ketimbang pakai google, coz hasil pencariannya lebih akurat dan memuaskan.

Setelah Anda peroleh reviewnya, silahkan copas hasilnya ke kolom review Anda di Ciao, mungkin bisa Anda edit sedikit agar tidak terlalu kelihatan kalau itu hasil copasan. Dan mungkin bisa Anda modif sedikit sesuai pengetahuan Anda terhadap produk tersebut.

Total pendapatan Anda di Ciao akan diupdate setiap hari pukul 14:00 WIB.

Total pendapatan saya selama 5 hari dari ciao

Sebenernya sih bisa lebih bannyak tetapi karena lagi banyak kesibukan jadi ciao agak terbengkalai.

Bagaimana jika anda tidak mempunyai kartu kredit untuk mengaktifkan paypal??. Tenang ada cara untuk menangi hal tersebut caranya :

Caranya adalah anda mendaftar saja di friendfinder Langkahnya sebagai berikut:

Langkah Pertama Daftar dulu: (100% Gratis)
Klik Banner Dibawah ini atau klik link friendfinder ini

Lalu klik JOIN NOW Isilah data-data Anda dg lengkap.

(Perhatikan Kolomnya jika tidak paham silahkan lihat petunjuk dibawah ini: )

  • I am a : Man jika Anda laki-laki, Woman jika Anda perempuan

  • Interested in meeteng a : Man jika ingin mencari/berteman dg laki-laki, woman dg perempuan, atau bisa Anda pilih dua-duanya.

  • For : Friendship (berteman), Dating (ketemuan), Serious relationship (hubungan serius),

  • Marriage (menikah), bisa Anda pilih lebih dari satu, pilih semuanya juga bisa.

  • Birthdate : Tanggal lahir Anda.

  • Country : Negara Anda.

  • Zip/Postal code : Kosongkan saja, jika Anda berada selain di Amerika ( US only)

  • Email Address : Isikan email Anda

  • Username : username Anda antara 4 sampai 16 karakter

  • Lalu klik Click Here and Have Fun

Setelah itu Anda masuk ketahap berikutnya.

  • City : Kota tempat tinggal Anda

  • Closest City: Sama seperti diatas

  • State: Propinsi Anda

  • Your Height : Tinggi Anda

  • Your Body Type : Tipe badan Anda

  • Your Race : Ras Anda atau suku Anda biasanya kalau Indonesia adalah Asia

  • Marital Status : Status pernikahan Anda

  • Your Religion : Agama Anda

  • Your Education : Pendidikan terakhir Anda

  • Your Occupation : Pekerjaan Anda misal: Staff office, jika Anda pegawai, Business jika Anda pengusaha dll.

  • Introduction Title : Judul tentang diri Anda, misal : I am a good Man atau I like Travelling, dll minimum 10 karakter

  • Tell others about yourself : Ceritakanlah tentang diri Anda, misalnya: I am a good women, I like travelling and my hobby reading, computer, sports, and others, i love new friend men or women, buatlah suka-suka Anda, minimumnya 50 karakter.

  • Jika Anda sudah memiliki foto uploadlah foto Anda, klik browse lalu carilah file yg berisi foto Anda. Jika Anda belum punya fota bisa Anda kosongkan dulu, nanti dikemudian hari bisa Anda isi kembali.

Setelah itu klik Click to Join. Maka akan ada email masuk di email anda. Setelah itu bukalah email Anda, lalu klik Activate Now Maka Anda sudah diaktivasi, jika Anda ingin login isilah dg username dan password yg ada di email Anda. Setelah itu keluarlah dulu, dengan klik log out .

Langkah Kedua

klik untuk membuat affiliasi sumber dollarnya.

  • Klik pada Menu : Affiliates (disalah satu menu bagian atas)

  • Lalu klik Affiliate Signup.

Isilah data-data tsb dg benar.

  • Preferred Program: Pilihlah no 1

  • First Name: Nama pertama Anda

  • Last Name: Nama akhir Anda

  • URL: Website/blog Anda, wajib Anda isi, jika Anda belum punya isi saja dengan saja tapi ini hanya untuk sementara nanti bisa Anda ganti.

  • Desired Password : Password yg Anda inginkan

  • Preferred Newsletter Language: English

  • Email Address: Masukkan email Anda

  • Secondary Email Address: Email Anda yg lain, boleh juga dikosongkan

  • Checks Payable To: Nama lengkap Anda sesuai KTP

  • Street Address: Alamat Anda sesuai KTP

  • City: Kota tempat tinggal Anda

  • State/Province: Provinsi tempat Anda tinggal

  • Country: Negara Anda

  • ZIP/Postal Code: Kode Pos kota Anda

  • What is your business tax classification? Kosongkan saja karena untuk warga Amerika saja

  • Tax ID or Social Security Number: Kosongkan saja karena untuk warga Amerika saja

  • Phone Number: No telp Anda, misalnya no telp Anda: 021 1234567 maka buat 6221 1234567 atau no hp Anda 081xxxxx maka buat 6281xxxxx.( harus pakai kode 62, yaitu kode telphone Indonesia)

  • Which Instant Messenger do you use? Pilih saja None

  • Use ePassporte : Pilih saja No

  • Please give us your comments: Buatlah komentar Anda misalnya: Heloo. I like it. Thank You,

  • Setelah itu klik Click Here for the Last Step

  • Lalu klik kotak kecil yg ada tulisan

Yes, I have read and accepted the Affiliate Agreement, …….. Lalu klik Submit. Setelah itu klik Account Information Lalu klik yg warna biru di tulisan Here is your account information. Click here to update your information.

  • klik Payoneer: Signup to be paid by Prepaid MasterCard®.You will be directed to a FriendFinder page hosted by Payoneer, where you can sign up for a card.

  • Lalu isilah data-data Anda di Payoneer tsb, setelah Anda Isi tunggulah kira-kira 20 hari atau sampai 1 bulan kartu Anda sampai di rumah Anda, setelah kartu debit Anda sampai lalu aktivasilah ikuti petunjuk yg ada disurat yg dikirim bersama dengan kartu Anda. Nah gampangkan..

Hanya dg menjadi member FriendFinder, Anda bisa dapat kartu debit dari payoneer, kalau Anda langsung daftar di payoner Anda tidak bisa mendapatkannya karena country untuk Indonesia tidak ada.

Lihatlah kembali email Anda, disana Anda akan diberikan username dan password untuk affiliate. Login sebagai member dg login sebagai affiliate itu beda. Dengan gabung di affiliate FriendFinder Anda juga sudah gabung dg kroni-kroninya FrindFinder, byk sekali ternyata, ada adultfrindfinder dll, memang situs Lainnya (kroni-kroninya) Tersebut ada yang berbau porno tapi kita hanya mengambil manfaatnya saja. Saya tidak mengajak Anda untuk berporno ria, tapi hanya mengambil manfaatnya saja, yaitu kartu debit dan dolarnya.OK?

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